Monday, November 28, 2011

The Land of Walgreen's

Last week, I spotted the Walgreen's sale, in the newspaper. My hubby reads the newspaper. I read the sales. :) I noticed how there was going to be a HUGE toy sale. Score!! We've have lots of kiddos to buy for. Christmas is just around the corner.

I managed to sneak out of my in-laws house for an hour. Before I knew it, I was in the middle of a crazy sale. Everyone was trying to get the toys, that were on the great deal! I had my list in hand, called Greg about 5 times, and was happy when my basket was full! :)

Quickly, I was sad again. The line was crazy long!! Not the time, when there are that many people shopping. Only 1 register was open, at the front. I was patient. Read the latest Style Watch. Picked up 2 dolls for Daisy. Waited. Waited. And waited some more.

Finally, the register in the beauty department opened up. And I was the 2nd in line. :) While I was waiting on the lady in front of me, who was buying some perfume, I spotted the Sinful Colors nail polish. I really don't need more nail polish. But I had no self control!

I spotted Let's Meet. An almost mustard color. Just a little darker, than in this picture. I've been looking for a nice yellow nail polish. For a while now. But all I could find, was neon colors. Not what I'm into. Let's Meet, is a keeper! Especially at $1 a bottle!! Yes, it was on sale too. :) Now, I'm just on the hunt, for the perfect summer yellow. Something bright and fun! ☼

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