Thursday, August 11, 2011

Her Little Table

I hadn't told shared with you, what Daisy's big birthday present, from us was. She's always trying drag her outside chairs, inside. We'd been looking for a cute little table and chair set for her. But didn't like anything, that we were seeing locally.

At Hobby Lobby, all the tables were shaped like crayons or pencils. We didn't like them. Or they were metal. For outside. That's when I remembered my friend. Manders has the most adorable things for her kids!! In fact, our friends have a few of these little tables, with chairs!

That's when Manders pointed me in the right direction. And we saw this little Farmhouse table, with chairs!! Greg couldn't resist. That's when we bought the table, and 4 chairs. We spent more than we had expected, but it was perfect for our little girl!

We have the table in the kitchen. And Daisy eats at her table. She also colors there. And plays with her little tea set. That my sister got her. :) Eventually, I'd really like to get one, for the playroom. But they are pricey. Honestly, I think this is the best present, we could have gotten Daisy. She just loves her little table! ☼

Friday, August 5, 2011

Daisy's Chair

Daisy got some of the cutest presents for her birthday. But the one that she loves the most, is her new chair!!

It looks just like this. But has her name and birth date, embroidered on it. The fabric is gingham checks. Adorable! It was a gift from my in-laws. Daisy just adores it! Sits on it all the time. I think her favorite thing is, it's right next to daddy's chair! ☼