I've been thinking about this a lot. I wonder if we're having a boy or a girl. It's still pretty early in our pregnancy. I'll be 12 weeks tomorrow. The doctor said that the earliest they could tell us our baby's gender is at 16 weeks. But our ultrasound is scheduled for our 20 week appointment. We go to the doctor the day before I actually get to 20 weeks. Because that would be a Saturday.
So I've been wondering if we're having a boy or a girl. I really want a girl. Because I know what to expect. My sisters have daughters. I babysat lots of little girls. And well, I'm a female too! Greg, I think he wants a boy. He won't say anything. But I'm pretty sure he wants a boy.
The other crazy thing...I can't stop eating! I crave everything under the sun. And I eat an easy 18 hours a day. But I really haven't gained much weight. Not sure what's with that. But you know how that goes. And I've been reading lots of books. Because I really don't know what to expect during this pregnancy. ☼